Live your Passion

The essential principle of Business, of your occupation in the world is this: ”Figure out some way that you get paid for playing’

Alan Watts said it to an audience in his lecture, more than half a century ago. 

It is still relevant and offers us the key for understanding #meaningful work. 

Followed by a spontaneous applause, the auditorium confirmed the principal truth of this statement. 

Enjoying what we do and how we spend our time here on earth, is a natural and normal thing and it should be the indicator for every conscious person out there, if they are living in their true self or not. 

We need to enjoy our work, or otherwise we’ll get old and regret that we kept ourselves away from our family and dreams, by postponing the important, putting ourselves and our wishes down. 

 ,,What most people regret in their retirement age, while looking back at their life, is working too much. ‘’

It’s a sad thing that this slave matrix world feeds on the ignorant masses and exploits them. It’s a sad thing that it has been here for long time and hope has been little…

But it is how it is! 

Now it is up to us, to face it, admit it  and accept it. 

That what is here, is already done. There is no need to fight it, but rather let go of the past and surrender to the truth inside you now. You see the world of yesterday, but it is up to you, to create the world of tomorrow. 

Today’s actions are the seeds of tomorrow. 

‘’What you sow is what you reap!’’

We need to focus on what we can do best in the given situation we have. 

There’s no need to go around and look for the victims, aggressors or martyrs, 

but to dive deep within yourself and find the kingdom of God within our own hearts. 

Then all else will fall perfectly in it’s place. You stop fighting and you learn to trust.

You bring out the True you, and feel at ease. Life is like a a warm summer Breeze again, because you can finally Breathe! And Be!

Be at ease.

So this conscious life becomes a wonderful adventure, where your loved ones and family comes first, Your mission and your purpose is to serve them and the humanity of tomorrow. It’s not a selfish life that you would truly enjoy anyhow. 

Because It is in the giving that we receive.  And fathers heart has room for all of his children. The love is infinite. 

While living a purposeful life and enjoying life. It doesn’t mean that we should avoid the tasks that are necessary and challenging, quite the contrary! We need to face them and deal with the priorities to stay on the course, act consciously and smart on the path that we chose.

But it becomes simple, because you trust your own judgment to the fullest, when you are in you loving presence, authentic and relaxed, #TrueYou. 

There is an Alignment between your Heart and Mind – Your mind becomes a servant Kind!

We are most intrigued about taking on the biggest challenge in our life, that we think we can overcome, a quest that we can accomplish, we want to feel that the Play is interesting and Fun enough!  


I would say 9 people out of 10, are seeking to have at least some sort of a challenge in their life, to push themselves a bit. To live a life and play a game that offers resistance and has an element of chance in it…. 

So Why not embrace the tension and challenges in our life, since they are a part of it, that makes life what it is. It just operates this way. You can learn to navigate and steer your life and conscious awareness in different ways – There is an infinite amount of possibilities and timelines you could choose.  Yes, you know where you came; but where are you going from here – There is many doors and opportunities and you can pick them one at a time

In these times and ages, when we have been blinded by the darkness for eons, but are now going through collective conscious awakening.

Yet, if we surrender to the creator inside and trust….

Then the only tension in our life, is the one that washes us clean and purifies our soul. 

We need to accept life as it is, and look at it from above, from a higher perspective.  We are Consciousness,a creative spirits here on earth.

From peace and contentment, we create an authentic path and expression of our life. 

Above all fears and doubts, we root into the core being that we are, into our essence.
This life is an expression of a spirit, a creator spirit. A spark of divine, child of god.

a father and a king, responsible and humble. 

For each and every one of us, God lives through all of us and in him we are all brothers and sisters. An extension of a primal cause.  Let us unite and stand together in peace and harmony.

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