Father, Father

Father gives you the trust in yourself. 

Those rare ones, that have sustained the Self-respect and trust that a healthy relationship with our father gives us –  a bright example of healthy, respectful and loving masculine energy that we looked up to… Who was our greatest hero and who’s support and guidance we relied on?  And if we failed, was he there for us? 

The importance of a healthy relationship with a father is crucial for us to feel safe and worthy in our life and for many, this is a sensitive topic that one would rather choose to overlook. But I dare you to dive deep into that, for there is great love and liberation for everybody in here. 

We could dive deep within the topic of relating with your childhood and how you grew up, how the so called ‘’daddy issues’’ could be the cause of the distortion in your life and why you fail to find your place in the world, but we won’t this time.  We could also look into the relationship with your creator, the heavenly father – it is all connected and acts like a filter on how we perceive the world…. But in this article, I want to show you that despite of what you have gone through, you can take the responsibility straight away and instead of looking for excuses and dwelling in your trauma, there is a shortcut, that could help you break free from that cycle of being disconnected from the father, from trust and healthy self-esteem.

What we give is what we get

So we have to end the loop of being disappointed and blameful that we are not getting enough. Lack matrix stands on the belief and an active charge of #NotEnough. When we understand that we hold the Full Responsibility, then we naturally start creating our life instead of waiting to be served. This is a code, that can feel foreign, but bare with me…

Waiting for outer approval is a #DeepRoot program, that keeps us asleep. Yes, it is a natural thing and craving, but so is maturing. Our fears and shadow, that’s been running our life,  will be seen in the light of consciousness. Here at Red Pill, we will target the bottlenecks of your subconscious programming, to liberate you from the limitations and distortions that are holding you back. A father issue is a major one and we are humbly pointing it out, so you could reflect and see, where do you stand and if that may be the case in your personal development as well. And that confrontation can be rather uncomfortable, as it should. Because this is what it feels if we pass the barriers of our comfort-zone – It’s tense! 

If you keep on going in that direction, where you are ignoring the tension and keep avoiding it, you become tense yourself – Uneasy throughout all of your life. 

Imagine being free from all of that. Like a ocean breeze, at ease!

Cruising through your life conscious and loving, strong and structured, as a divine expression of your highest self.. Hold on to that vision, and see if there is something holding you back. What is it?  The limiting programming and beliefs will come to surface, so you could deal with that. This is where coaching can and will help you. It guides you through the dark corridors of your mind, back into the the light. We will save your inner child and help to pave a path back to innocence, back to joy, freedom and sense of ease in your life.

What you give is what you get

Every man is A star. Wake up and face yourself. 

Be the change you wish to see in this world. Embody a healthy father yourself. 

Remember to step into that role, you are a grown up now and have no one to point fingers towards anymore. 

All point back to you. 

The answers are within. 

There ain’t nothing wrong with you 🙂 

Dare to look at the dark side and know that it is all you, integrate and own your baggage instead of blaming the circumstances or other people in your shortcomings. They did their best with the given circumstances they had. Hold no-one as a prisoner of guilt and do your own best now. Forgive, Forget and Let go!

There ain’t nothing wrong with you  – That you need to know to wake up! Otherwise,  if we even secretly or subconsciously believe in that in any area of our life, we will stay enslaved and ruled by our shadow. 

Rest at ease, because sooner or later, we will all see. 

The truth always prevails, the sun will always come out again. 

Return to the central sun, into the son, father and holy spirit living through you, through your eyes, through the I. 

Healthy self image starts with our upbringing. When our father was absent, even emotionally, nevertheless abusive or humiliating at some point, and if we haven’t got over it, then there is a distortion in our consciousness that’s related to our origins and  ancestral power. 

We become rebel, bitter and insecure even in our adulthood. Growing up means that we come out from this teenager phase and take responsibility for creating our life content. Most have never really grown up yet, but are still waiting for their father to approve and recognize them. 

The Good news is that it is up to us! By loving first, before seeking to be loved. By forgiving first, before seeking forgiveness. Because it is in the giving, that one receives. And it is by dying, that one is born into eternal life, like a wise man once wrote. 

We need to let go, let go of our need to be right or look for someone to blame. Put love first and watch miracles transform your life. Our ego needs to surrender to heart, our old attachments and ego needs to die, for us to see clearly. 

For all the great leaders are great fathers first!

So give up the fight, 

Stand firm in your truth and embody that you are in service of love. 

That is the way my love! 💓 






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