Conscious leadership coaching

Red Pill Mission is to create a better world for our children. This is our purpose and underlying motive for all that we do. 

As our name says and indicates – a Red Pill – a symbol from the Matrix trilogy, that pill of Truth, that will open our eyes to a whole new reality, that pulls us out from the Matrix, from deception, illusion and ignorance.   

Our mission is to serve you that Pill, by altering your perception for the better, to expand your awareness and help you lead with purpose and meaning, as a conscious leader and creator. We do it all for the sake of our future, our children and the earth that we leave for them. There is much that needs mending, so get up! 

It’s time to rise!

What are we WAKING UP from then? – Plato knew it!

That Plato’s allegory of the cave illustrated the same pit of ignorance that has kept mankind enslaved for thousands of years. We are now more than ever, enlocked into the deception of shadow-theater, onto our screens and projections, still forgetful about the nature of who we are. Red Pill is your chance to Shift out of this cage, because true life awaits us, our calling, our dreams and goals, our authentic self in its expression –  where we are not mere consumers and marionettes of the given narrative, but Conscious creators, Producers and Active contributors to the world and life tomorrow.   

We are waking up from a victim-mode, a set of programming and limitations that kept us waiting and off-course. Leaving that old false-self and reality behind, we jump to the next one and build another persona out of us, that is a little bit lighter than the previous one. Life is a journey and we need to remember that all of us are on that, evolving and growing throughout all of our life. 

If we stay open-minded and commit to the Truth divine, God and Service, then all of the false-selves and programming will fall away sooner or later.  When we find alignment and recognize our calling, we commit to it and set our direction, priorities and focus based on that. With a brave heart, we will face the opposition and resistance within us and in front of us. Truth does not need protection, and the world does not need a savior, but we need to give our best to find out truth and build a better world together

– That authentic self and its expression, sits within everyone of us, and awaits.

If you are conscious and awake already, then join us in creating a better world together. If you are still hitting the snooze or booze button, postponing the essential, then stay tuned for we keep the red pills coming at your way!

This is the key!

We need to do the best that we can, with what is in our hands! The reach of our influence and ability to summon groundbreaking positive change, depends totally on our state of being, our thoughts, words and actions. Observing yourself and Walking the talk is always the best solution for re-gaining your authenticity and becoming conscious of yourself, for Waking up.

The new dawn of awakening is here now, you have the access and all the means and resources needed, to begin that journey now.  When you walk a brave path of truth, mighty forces will support you and join you in your journey of Integrity. It is a road that requires time and energy, and as every project, you need a plan and a strategy.


The best that we can do is aim for the highest goal and build a business around it. That is Red Pill in business – Organization, team and community around meaningful cause, that is aligned with each members personal tuning – it Syncs, it’s in Harmony.  We specialize in that sync, and we call it Synergy. Because when you sound in tune with your team, your impact and efficiency will skyrocket! Our highest goal is always our calling and it fulfills us, rather than drains or depletes our energy. 

That is why Meaningful Work is something we need to do every day. As a leader, my first responsibility is being aligned and content within myself. From that state only, can I extend my leadership beyond. Starting with leading ourselves, our family and business.

As a business owner, you are the one responsible that you have the right people in the right places, efficient and motivated. If you are the only one, make sure that you are in the right place, doing the right thing. It is your responsibility. 

What are you selling your time for? What’s the value brought to the world by you?


When you see through the veil, when you consciousness is awake, then get to work!

Don’t escape and bypass your mission, make it all about yourself, but truly, truly think, what is important now and in the future. Now when we escaped the rat race of pointless survival and fear-based timelines, then we better act fast, because we don’t have anymore time, we are out of it. And we understand that every instance, every second and every encounter matters. It serves a cause and it will bare fruit, an effect sooner or later. 

That is why we cannot look past:


Responsibility – with greater power and understanding, comes greater responsibility. It is up to you now, when you know. You cannot just sit on there, thinking you are awake, but will pass on acting out.  You need to take charge of your own life and creation! For this you need a plan, strategy and support to bring it to life. 

This is why I founded Red Pill, so conscious creators could unite and be active in bringing new earth to life. 

Vision – We need visionaries and we need Leaders, that bravely impact the course of the world, drive trends and pioneer the conscious creator economy.We need to envision the kind of world that we wish to see, the kind of life we wish to see, and the kind of organization we wish to see.  What is your vision for the better world? What is something tangible right there, where you stand, that you feel the call to take into the next level? Get in touch with our coaches or  Share it with the community to start conversation, to test it, find partners and likeminded people for it. 

Legacy – We are the ones who are responsible for bringing our visions to life. We do it anyway, but few of us are conscious of our creation.  That is why Red Pill was called to life  – To wake up and connect key people, so we could join in mutual interest and build a better world together.  Legacy is something that goes beyond us. It requires a well thought-through approach and execution, so we could make an authentic heartfelt contribution to the world. 

That is what we wish to serve you, 

Stay tuned,
